
Avant, j'étais un patron de merde

Avant, j'étais un patron de merde

How to get started with participative management such as collective intelligence?

The story of an SME that we accompanied in its transformation towards collective intelligence.

Author : Anne-Catherine Trinon

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Les Carnets du collaborateur

Les carnets du collaborateur

Being an employee in a family business: issues, feelings and truths.

The ICHEC's Families in Business Chair has published an ambitious new book based on a survey of more than 1,200 employees in family and non-family businesses. It specifically addresses the issues of employee buy-in, loyalty and retention. 

Research work with the Ichec Chair for Families.

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In the 2020s, leadership is the key word.

The key here is to seek transformative power. Effective leadership requires knowledge of the dynamics of the complex system. 

Author : Bart Van der herten

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